Mirror of Fétoules





A circular hike starting at Saint Christophe en Oisans to explore a small high- altitude lake with wonderful views over the Vénéon valley and the Tête des Fétoules.

About : Mirror of Fétoules

Starting point: Saint Christophe en Oisans
Height gain: 348 m
Duration: 2 1/2 hours
Distance: 4.8 km
Level: Easy

Starting from the cemetery in Saint Christopher, walk through the hamlet of Le Roure (towards le Puy). Take care, as this hike is often signposted in anti-clockwise.
Carry on up to the old Saint Christopher mill above the Torrent du Diable and then walk up the switchbacks to the Vierge du Collet statue that overlooks the valley. The path then gradually climbs up to the hamlet of Le Puy, which used to have year-round residents and even a school. Don't miss the pretty oratory, before walking up above Le Puy towards the Miroir des Fétoules. Carry on to the small lake, taking the left-hand path at the junction. Be careful not to take the path marked "Raye du Grand Travers", which is very exposed.

The lake varies in size depending on the season and has a lovely view over the valley. It gets its name from the fact you can see the Tête des Fétoules and its glacier located on the other side of the valley, in the water.
There is also a magnificent view over Lauranoure and the small Refuge de l'Alpe du Pin mountain hut.

En bref

2 h 45

J+ : 348 m

4.8 km

Level bue - Medium

Map and GPX marking

Mirror of Fétoules

Getting There


  • Pets welcome



  • Average duration of the individual tour: 165 minutes


From 01/04 to 30/11.

Subject to favorable snow and weather conditions.


Free access.

Pets welcome

Dogs on a lead are obligatory, presence of herds.

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Saint-Christophe-en-Oisans cemetery

Saint-Christophe-en-Oisans cemetery

Location supplement

Outside of the National Park, but dogs must be kept on a lead, as there are many flocks of sheep grazing the pastureland.