Champhorent/ Clot du Sert



A beautiful, slightly challenging hike with one of the best views of the Écrins at the end.

About : Champhorent/ Clot du Sert

From Champhorent the path climbs steadily to Clot du Sert.
On the way down, take a detour to the hamlet of Champébran, and discover the small water mills that line the path.

Start: Champhorent parking lot
Height difference: 450m
Duration: 2h00
Distance: 2.3 km

From the parking lot go back up to the road and follow the path towards Champébran. then take the direction of Clot du Sert.

- The Écrins and the Fétoules
- The water mills of Champébran

Dogs must be kept on a leash at all times due to the presence of herding dogs at certain times of the year.

En bref

J+ : 420 m

2.3 km

Level red – hard

Map and GPX marking

Champhorent/ Clot du Sert

Getting There


From 15/05 to 31/10.

Subject to favorable snow and weather conditions.


Free access.

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