Located on the right bank of the Vénéon, in the hamlet of Bourg d'Arud, this chapel was founded in 1686 by Sieur Jacques Rochette.
About : Chapel Saint Sauveur
Founded in 1686, the chapel retains its original architecture despite the restoration of the walls (elevation), the sacristy (addition) and the relocation of the belfries.
The entrance portal is made of Tuff and has a wing-shaped architrave and a moulded entablature inspired by classical architecture.
The floor and walls are whitewashed. The nave has a vaulted and panelled ceiling and opens onto a deep vaulted choir lit by a window to the south.
Visit the church every Monday during the tour season in winter and summer
- Unguided individual tours available permanently
- Unguided group tours available permanently
- Guided group tours on request
visit possible all year
Free of charge
Location supplement
Located on the right bank of Vénéon