






I support you in your digital strategy and transformation.

About : Opt’e-Time

If you're a craftsman or a small or medium-sized business looking to increase your volume of activity and/or sales, you need to integrate technology and digital tools into your growth strategy.

How can you do this? In 2 ways:
-> by implementing new functionalities or improving the configuration of the software you're already using, in order to reduce indirect costs and time. You can then reinvest them in prospecting or in carrying out your projects/worksites,
-> by analyzing your needs and your way of working to identify the tools that would be best suited to you if you don't have software for your invoicing, sales management, worksite management or project management.

All this with a healthy dose of :
- authenticity & enthusiasm, to work efficiently and serenely,
- simplicity to get straight to the point,
- humanity to train you and make you autonomous with YOUR tools.
Being in tune with your values, your work, your customers and your partners is a winning, high-performance combination of which I am firmly convinced.

Don't hesitate to contact me on 06 86 82 70 60 or by e-mail: contact@optetime.com

En bref



All year round.


Means of payment

  • Credit transfer