Trail – KMV Col du Sabot



Admire Mont Blanc on a clear day as you reach the summit on the Savoy side!
The definition of the Kilometre Vertical: 1,000 metres of ascent in the shortest possible distance.

About : Trail – KMV Col du Sabot

Marks are placed on the course, every 100 m of ascent; they serve as reference points during your ascent, or to carry out your training by splitting the ascent.
Climbing speed (VA): if you do a KMV in 1 hour, your VA will be 1000 m/hour. This VA will be higher if you are more fit and if the slope is steep.

Here are some examples of training according to your level: beginner or advanced.

Evaluate your average climbing speed (VA) over 1000 m.
A.V. = 3600 / ascent time in seconds x ascent height.
Ex: a runner does the KmV in 30' his VA will be 3600 / 1800 x 703= 1406 m/h against an average gradient of 19%.

Reference table :
Your time: 30' 35' 40' 45' 50' 55' 1h00 1h05 1h10 1h15 1h20 1h25 1h30
Your A.V. in m/h: 1406 1205 1055 937 844 767 703 649 603 562 527 496 469

These exercises will help you to improve your climbing consistency. Before your ascent, warm up by jogging at a slow pace for 15 minutes, then do some educational knee lifts, leg curls on thighs for 3 to 5 minutes. To progress on the KMV it is better to do 100, 200 m+ or 500 m+ at a higher pace than to do the whole D+.

Beginner runners:
Alternate 100m+ running and 100m+ slow pace, repeat to the summit.
Alternate 200m+ running and 100m+ slow pace, repeat to the top.
Do 300m+ running at maximum pace, then 200m+ walking, repeat running to the top.

Advanced runners:
Alternate 300m+ run, 100m+ recovery at slow pace, run again to the top.
Climb to 400m+ at maximum pace, rest without activity for 10 minutes, come down slowly, repeat as long as you climb at the same speed. If the speed decreases, stop.

You can use the descent for technical work. To achieve a better quality session, avoid mixing ascents and descents at race pace in the same session, the muscular constraints are different.
How to progress: increase the number of repetitions or your speed over the sessions, do not reduce recovery and rest times. The aim is to be able to finish your session with the feeling that you can still do at least one or two repetitions in the same way, otherwise the session is too difficult, or the pace too strong for you. To improve your power and climbing ability, you must be able to repeat this type of session every day over a given period of time.
performance and reduce the risk of injury. Finish your session with 10 minutes of recovery by walking and a passive stretching session.

Practical advice:

No session without hydration, appropriate dilution of drinks according to the outside temperature (the hotter it is, the more you dilute your drink). We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the durations and types of exercises proposed are indicative and may require more personal adaptation, depending on your own parameters (VMA, level of training, etc.). Traditional running training must always be complemented by specific training, on the workshops and also by general physical preparation. These aspects of training are important, as they significantly improve performance, recovery and limit the risk of injury.

En bref

1 h 15

J+ : 704 m

4.161 km

Level red – hard

Map and GPX marking

Trail – KMV Col du Sabot

Getting There



  • Duration of the session: 75 minutes


  • Average duration of the individual tour: 75 minutes


From 01/05 to 31/10.


Free access.