sentier de découverte



This walk is an opportunity for visitors to gradually discover how the "Bessats" lived. Throughout the walk, short description boards explain the architecture, pastoralism and the animal and plant life of the valley.

About : sentier de découverte

The information board on the car park at the far side of the village marks the beginning of the path. Learn more about how the rugged and ingenious "Bessats" lived and how they existed in harmony alongside the magnificent, yet challenging natural landscape.
Although this is an easy 3-hour walk, with a 200m height gain, wear walking shoes and take plenty of water.

En bref

3 h 00

J+ : 200 m

Level bue - Medium

Map and GPX marking

sentier de découverte

Getting There



  • Average duration of the group tour: 180 minutes
  • Average duration of the individual tour: 180 minutes

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