<!-- wp:heading --><h2>Pure air, great outdoors, adventure</h2><!-- /wp:heading --><!-- wp:paragraph {"className":"is-style-intro"} --><p class="is-style-intro">Holidays designed for children who need to let off steam, explore and make new discoveries. The parents will also give in to the temptation to just let go and have some fun, after an afternoon nap in the sun of course!</p><!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --><p><strong>It's not a myth, a holiday in the mountains really does bring you closer together. </strong>You'll be overcome by a feeling of calm as you drift along the waters in a canoe, or enjoy the revitalising power of nature as you venture down the footpaths, creating magical memories for the whole family. <strong>You'll be talking about this quality time spent together for a long time...</strong></p><!-- /wp:paragraph -->